Marvel Disney Mashups: How The Merger Will Affect The Characters

Disney bought Marvel Industries for $4 billion, merging the comic empire with the cartoon powerhouse. In response, the blogosphere came together and produced dozens of mashups of Disney and Marvel characters, ranging from the Spider-Mouse, The Incredible Donald Dulk to a Mickey Mouse/Venom symbiote.

The Spider-Mouse

The Incredible Donald Dulk

The Invincible Iron Mouse

Doctor Doombo

Goofactus the Devourer of Worlds

The Punisher


The Incredible Mouse

Logald Duckerine

Spiderman's arch-enemy; the sinister Venomouse

The Mighty Goothor

The Evil Moduck


Duck Devil

The Donalrine

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Thing


The New Disney Avengers

Captain Duck

The Avengers


Spider-Man / Mickey Mouse mashup

See more Marvel-Disney mashups at Superpunch

Source: telegraph