Millions of Muslims are preparing today to the Feast of Sacrifice - Eid al-Adha. The Islamic feast of the end of Hajj stated in honor of the prophet Abraham through seventy days after the Ramadan holiday. This morning, faithful Muslims carried out lustration, odelis in festive, breakfast odd number of dates, go to the mosque for morning prayers and started to prepare for sacrifices.The victims today are sheep, goats, camels and bulls. Home beast cut in the name of Allah in untold numbers, then divide the meat with edinovertsami - a third of the meat remains in the family, neighbors and the third is given to the remaining leaves as a charity for those in need.When something is not accepted by Allah Ibrahim victim in the form of his first son Ismail, replacing it on lamb.Therefore, the feast of Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bairam) symbolizes the mercy of Allah.