Creative uses of crosswalks in advertising campaigns by various companies.
Shopping Curitiba Crosswalk
Creative zebra crossing that looks like a bar code was used to promote a sale at Curitiba shopping center in Brazil. [link]
Latina Insurance Crosswalk
“Crosswalks are safer” by Pragma DDB, Lima, Peru. [link]
Bubbles Hair Salon Comb Crosswalk
During the weekend, a comb-shaped zebra crossing was created adjacent to the hair salon in India. The effect was achieved by sticking a temporary transparent sticker to the road. [link]
South Africa Tourism Crosswalk
Clever marketing for South Africa Tourism. Zebra Crossing signs around traffic lights in Mumbai were painted to look like the stripes of a real zebra. [link]
Funeral Home Zebra Crossing
Mr. Clean Crosswalk
Clever marketing for Mr. Clean cleaning supplies in Italy. [link]
Latina Insurance Crocodile Crosswalk
“Crosswalks are safer” by Pragma DDB, Lima, Peru. [link]
FedEx Kinko’s Crosswalk
BBDO used oversized bottles of correction fluid to promote FedEx Kinko’s in New York. [link]
Bin Your Butts Crosswalk
MTN Company Crosswalk
Zebra crossings were used to draw attention to the “Settimane dell’Architettura e del Design”, an international appointment between designers, architects and passionates in South Italy. [link]
Zebra Crossing Memorial
Names of victims of traffic accidents were painted as white stripes of zebra crossing. [link]
Reckless Driving Zebra Crossing
“Life is precious. Use the zebra crossing.” [link]