Coolest Gas Stations

Teapot Gas Station Washington
This little cute gas station was built in 1922, intended to be a reminder of the Teapot Dome Scandal involving President Warren G. Harding and a federal petroleum reserve in Wyoming. The scandal rocked the presidency of Harding and sent Interior Secretary Albert Fall to prison for his role in leasing government oil reserves. The building has a circular frame with a conical roof, sheet metal “handle,” and a concrete “spout.” Said to be the oldest gas station in use in the country, it survived partially because it was moved years ago, to be closer to the interstate. It is no longer in operation. Designed by Jack Ainsworth.

Coolest Gas Stations Seen On
Poshest Gas Station

With its slick metallic surfaces and geometric angles, this is the gas station of the future. A design firm of Boston has created this unique gas station. It has also been said that this awesome gas station is built using solar arrays along with several other recycling materials. Most of the materials used for building are eco-friendly.
Coolest Gas Stations Seen On

Coolest Gas Stations Seen On
Coolest Gas Stations Seen On
Coolest Gas Stations Seen On
Coolest Gas Stations Seen On

Coolest Gas Stations Seen On
Coolest Gas Stations Seen On
Coolest Gas Stations Seen On
Coolest Gas Stations Seen On