Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos

Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Anyone with enough conviction about what they believe in to give up bacon is pretty hardcore in our book. Add in some hardcore tattoos and you’ve definitely earned our respect. Vegans are vegans for life, and to prove it some of them get ink. And we’re not talking a tiny little broccoli ankle tattoo no one can see, but big, bold (and in some cases dark and creepy) vegan tattoos.

Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Masked Man with Calf Tattoo
The Animal Liberation Front believes that legality is not morality and this tattoo depicts their message with a masked ALF “angel” rescuing a calf. Cool tattoo, but just remember kids: when you’re breaking into labs and farms to conceal all of your tattoos so the cops can’t identify you later.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Animal Liberation Tattoo
A raised fist is a powerful symbol, usually as an expression of strength or defiance. In this case it’s combined with a paw to express animal and human liberation.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Broccoli and Daggar Tattoo
Not only is this tattoo veg, but it was done by a totally vegan tattoo shop in Portland, Scape Goat Tattoo.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Cow Man Killing Man Cow
A bold and violent image blurring the lines between who is killing who.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Leopard Print Vegan Tattoo
Animal print tattoos seem pretty fitting for a vegan actually.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Meat is Murder Chicks Tattoo
A meat cleaver destroying baby chicks is meant to make people uncomfortable… just look at those innocent beady eyes.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Pig Eating a Human Tattoo
Another tattoo designed with shock value in mind to paint negative imagery around the idea of eating animals… this time with the tables turned.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
The Vengeful Vegan Tattoo
This tattoo may seem a bit grotesque but let he who has not roasted pig throw the first stone.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Vegan Neck Tattoo
Bold way to get your point across… “No, I don’t eat cheese, remember?” *Looks up*
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Vegan Skull and Dagger Tattoo
Add a banner to an awesome tattoo and BAM, you’re making a statement.
Vegan's Non-Vegetarian Weird Tattoos Seen On
Vegan Straight Edge Back Tattoo
The words back tattoo is always pretty hardcore, even if it’s to express that you’re a Vegan Straight Edge.