12 Coolest Movie Recreations in LEGO

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

300 recreation by Keithcku.

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
A Ghostbuster LEGO recreation that features the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man battling it out with the Ghostbusters!

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

What you are looking at is a 5 foot by 10 foot LEGO recreation of the battle at Hoth, from Empire Strikes Back. Created by the extremely talented Mark Borlase, the entire display consists of nearly 60,000 pieces and has cool features such as 50 real lights and a remote controlled mechanism that deploys troops from the AT-ATs. The entire creation took over 4 years in the making and consumed about $3000 (that's a lot of white bricks!). This creation won the recent Star Wars building challenge and was featured in the official LEGO Magazine.

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Inception in Lego.

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

Mike Yoder, a man who loves both LEGO and Aliens made a bunch of LEGO dioramas from scenes in the movie. They look pretty good, so props to Mike, especially for the lighting, etc. that gives the pictures that movie feel.

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

YT user LegoAgentJones spent 440 painstaking hours creating this amazing stop-motion scene from The Matrix to celebrate "the 10th anniversary of the original movie release."

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

TV blogger and Lego artist, Daniel Brown's newest work pays tribute to the film Brokeback Mountain.

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

Forrest Gump by artist Marco Pece.

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

Honey, I Shrunk the Legos.

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

John Carpenter's 1978 Halloween.

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

Coolest Movie Recreation in LEGO Seen On  lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

LEGO recreation of the scene from 2001 A Space Odyssey.