Embarrassing Human Billboards

Surely there are easier ways to make $7.50 an hour.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
I never realized the Statue Of Liberty was a black man. With a mustache.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
The elf shoes make it.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Hopefully they make wax sheets, too.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
"Eat me!"

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Lame lame

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
With liberty and biscuits for all.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
What happens when he has to pee?

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Yeah, you look just like Fred. Especially the jeans and the hat.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
This one I like. Wish I could see the front.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Desperate times...

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Yeah, the soft drink is the best thing on the Quizno's menu.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
They win.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Clever, but I bet his neck hurts.

These I especially love. File under Law, Order and Creative Judges.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
The flowers make me think she's sincere.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Looks 'Shopped but I hope it's not.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
250K? They must have a lot of crime in Harris County.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
And this Coke.

Embarrassing Human Billboards Seen On lolpicturegallery.blogspot.com
Kohl's has headphones?