The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners

Designed by TWS & Partners, the Jakarta House is 600 square meter land area.The owner choose to combine two courtyard spaces, which arranged vertically and super impose each other.So, first courtyard on the ground floor where is located also the pool, which can be act also as a transition and buffer area from public space in front and rear, semi public, living room. Second courtyard located on the second floor, which will be act as intermediate outdoor space from master bedroom.
The house was furnished using modern, minimalistic style and some classic piece of furniture to create a warm pallete.

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On
TWS & Partners, nevéhez fűződik ennek az elegáns modern családi háznak tervezése amelyet Jakartában építettek fel közel 600 négyzetméteren. A teljes utcafronton végighúzódó házat két traktusra osztották, a traktusok között egy nyáron is hűvöset és megfelelő páratartalmat adó belső átriummal ahol egy különleges kialakítású csobogó ill. medence kapott helyet. A ház belsőépítészetére a modern visszafogott minimál a legjobb megfogalmazás de azért kiegészítve klasszikus bútorokkal ill világos pasztel színű falakkal.

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On

The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On
The Luxory Modern Static House In Jakarta by TWS & Partners Seen On