Showcasing cool pictures of paintings created on the iPad and videos of how artisits use them. The iPad is such a cool gadget for designers and digital painters. With apps like Brushes, Sketchbook Pro, and ArtStudio, you can draw cool paintings with some skills and patience and below we tell you how, what you need and examples of pictures created using the iPad..
Finger Painting on the Apple iPad from the live model David Kassan
Video of Finger Painting on the Apple iPad from the live model David Kassan
These incredible pieces of art could easily be mistaken for oil paintings - but they've actually these cool pictures have been created on an iPad. Since its launch in May this year, commuters have been snapping up the latest gadget from Apple and using it to 'paint' on their way in to work.
Finger Painting on the Apple iPad from the live model David Kassan
Video of Finger Painting on the Apple iPad from the live model David Kassan
These incredible pieces of art could easily be mistaken for oil paintings - but they've actually these cool pictures have been created on an iPad. Since its launch in May this year, commuters have been snapping up the latest gadget from Apple and using it to 'paint' on their way in to work.
iPad Painting Demo